Here are the Show and Tells from quilt club this month. I was unable to be there, so thank you Cathy for taking the pictures! If I got the wrong name with the picture, let me know and I will fix it.
Rhonda |
Peggy |
Rhonda |
Peggy |
Peggy |
Cathy |
Linda |
Peggy |
Patty |
Cathy |
Cathy |
Linda |
Linda |
Linda |
Peggy |
Peggy |
Here is the virtual part of our show and tell.
Pam |
Pam |
Pam |
Pam |
Pam |
Sue |
It looks like I missed some good food and a fun time!
Chilli from Patty Pepperoni bread Peg Veggie tray. Cathy Soda and
dessert. Rhonda
Plus Linda was here too.
Rhonda said,"It WAS a fun day and productive. The chili and pepperoni bread were delicious!"
Peggy said, "Had a great time even though I was late, knitted instead of sew, and ripped
my scarf out three times for mistakes!!"
And Linda commented,"Enjoyed our day. I hit the wine early. I turned one square the wrong way,
ripped out the wrong square, and resewed it the wrong way. Rhonda took over
and fixed it."
Last but not least, from Patty,"Had a wonderful time today...thanks to everyone for a great day and for all your
help...see you Saturday!"
Itinerary for Saturday, December 13th.
Rhonda's at 8 am. Will meet Peggy at the York Galleria ( or somewhere near
to Kitchen Kettle Village.
to Shady Maple area - Lunch and Good's Dry goods
Then to
Goodeville Fabric, and OBIES
there we will see what time it is and possibly go to Weaver's.