What a wonderful quilt club meeting we had! Spring has finally arrived in our neck of the woods, which made it so much nicer for me to be out and about. Flowers are blooming everywhere. The company was great at Rhonda's house. It was just an overall nice day.
We were working on our Christmas pillows. We got our four inch squares sewn onto our neutral panel. Next step will be to quilt this piece. Then we will add the Dresden Plates. We also need to make the pillow insert.

Linda displayed her round of our round robin quilts. I think this really looks like a pattern Linda would choose. I recently looked at the quilt where each of us designed a row, and following this picture, you will see the row that Linda designed. We all really liked this and were talking about all the different techniques one could use to make this. Linda used three inch squares and made half square triangles. There was supposed to be a picture of the different elements to this border, but unfortunately it wasn't there when I downloaded my pictures. Another technique we talked about was making the flying geese section for the two sides and the inside using a 2.5 by 4.5 rectangle and sewing 2.5 inch squares on the diagonal to each end. You could sew a second seam 3/8 inch from the first seam and get a bonus triangle square.
Linda's design for the row by row quilt.
On to show and tell. Rhonda made a bunch of beach bags. I really want to get on the band wagon and make some of these. These are all so pretty.
And Rhonda made a duffel bag for her family reunion. She quilted the fabric for this bag. It makes one wish they were part of the family for a chance to win it!
Rhonda quilted and bound the baby quilt she was working on. It turned out really pretty.
Patty has been expanding her quilting skills with this quilt. These country stars turned out really nice and Patty designed her own on point border for this. Very clever and a very nice job. Looking forward to seeing this one when it is finished. She is sending it out to be custom quilted.
Sue always has interesting things to share with us. She had an artist make this quilted wall hanging for her. The artist created the picture with thread art and painting. It was very beautiful. The artist has classes, which Sue is going to check into. You would create a small thread art quilt of your own.
This is the back of the quilt, with the artist's signature.
Sue's Kaffe Fassett's quilt finished. This was Sue's first quilt that she quilted on her machine. She did a great job!
And the back of it. Just as happy as the front.
Sue was in Missouri recently for a friend's wedding. While there she got to visit Missouri Star Quilt Company's town with all the different quilt shops. The highlight of her visit was going to Angela Walters' quilt shop in Liberty. Sue was talking to Angela about quilting when she realized who she was! She bought two of her books and had her sign them.
After taking So. Much. Grief. for my medallion quilt not having enough stars appliqued to Peggy's border, I decided to applique a banner on it. (really it was because it needed something after Sheree's border was put on.) I used the triangles that I cut off Patty's rope border. It is going to be fun to see all these quilts together when they are finished. They all look so different-it is really amazing.
This is the Convoy quilt I am making for Josiah. Now I have to figure out borders for it.
Sue's carrots were a big hit at our lunch bar. I will post the recipe when she sends it to me. I heard tomato soup marinade? They were really good. We had those, veggies, roll ups, hot dogs and sauerkraut, and my disaster. It was supposed to be an eclair dessert, but the saran wrap took all the chocolate off the top and it ended up just being a mess. This isn't my first disaster in food for quilt club. :(
A few of us went to see Sue Trittle in May. I forgot my camera and we forgot to take any pictures. We also went to Mary's quilt shop, another shop in Bedford and to Surplus City. It was great to see Sue. She is settling into her daughter's house. Her daughter is also a widow with a young son, who Sue helps to take care of. Her house recently sold and now she is starting to deal with the shock of losing Harry. It was so good to see that she has a happy home and a place where she is needed.
Cathy sent me this picture of a pillow case that she made. Cute cute fabric. Do you have any you would want to sell like this? It would be great to put some on the back of my Convoy quilt!
Next quilt club will be June 25th. Rhonda said she has another make and take for us. We will have our pillows to work on and our Medallion quilt.
We would like to get a picture of all of us with our Medallion quilts and send it to Quilt Maker magazine. It will be interesting to see if they publish it. We have two more borders. Can we finish them by fall?
See you next time!
There was some confusion about Linda's border. Here is the start of mine and how I did it. I used 2.5 inch strips. for the flying geese, I used the companion angle ruler and cut out the main piece and then used the easy angle ruler to cut out the corner pieces. For each block, you will need two of these. for the center part of the border, I used the same color as the goose cut into a 4.5 by 2.5 rectangle. I also used the easy angle ruler to cut the corner pieces and sewed them on to opposite corners. You have to make sure that you sew the triangles onto each rectangle the same to get the pattern. Let me know if this helps or not.

I sewed one of my Dresden's on the pillow top. I did end up quilting the top first, then I put some heat and bond under the Dresden and stuck it to the top. I used button hole stitch around the outside and the inside circle. Between each petal I used a ladder type stitch. (I was thinking about making these for Xmas gifts for everyone-I think I have changed my mind.) Oh-I also turned under 1/4 inch of the top petal and on the inside circle. The petals may have looked smoother if I hadn't done that.