Happy Anniversary Cloverleaf Quilt Club!!! What a wonderful and fun adventure it has been. Those 15 years have just flown by. I hope that we can have at least another 15!
Rhonda has been our mentor and the catalyst behind our little group. Without her, we would all probably still be doing some quilting and sewing. With her we have done some amazing things.
We have done many charity quilts: some for Special Olympics that raised a lot of money for that organization and some for Veterans. We have made bags for NICU.
We have done a lot of group projects-Thimbleberry quilts and table runners, stack and whack type Christmas tree quilts, charm square quilts, round robins quilts,and sampler quilts to name a few. This year we are doing a special Anniversary Mystery quilt that Rhonda has created.
There have been a few of us who have done Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilts together.
We have made purses and bags together.
At least once a year we have gone shop hopping together.
There have been quilting retreats where we learned new skills together-Rehoboth, Cape May and Bedford.
And of course we have had our monthly meetings where we sew, socialize and eat!
Just looking over these few things I have listed that we have done together as a group is amazing. We have had fun and enjoyed each other's company and even learned some things along the way.
Cloverleaf Quilt Club is a jewel in my life that I cherish and I am sure everyone else does too.
This last weekend in October we began our 15th year celebration by doing one of our favorite activities-shopping for fabric!!!
This is our attempt at a selfie during our stop at Goods! Sorry Sue for missing your chin! You still look cute!
We shopped at Zincks . We didn't visit Obie's this time, but we did have a laugh about that during lunch as someone posted pictures of Obie's and made comments about it on Facebook.
We stopped at the Kling House in Kitchen Kettle for lunch after first shopping at Zooks. We all had delicious lunches.
Then we spent time in The Country Store.
We visited the Yarn Nook.
Then we went to the Log Cabin (I think that is what it is called.)
The day flew by. We headed home with a trunk full of fabric. We didn't do as much damage to our wallets this time as we have done before, by the looks of it.
As usual, our shop hopping was an enjoyable time together.
Our shop hop was on Friday and only the beginning of our anniversary celebration.
Saturday night we all met at the Hillside Restaurant. After a bit of confusion over our reservations, we settled into our own private room.
Sheree had gift bags for everyone. They added a festive touch to our party.
To get our gift bag we played What's your Quilt Town Name. We had some pretty crazy names!

The cute bags contained some personalized gifts. Are these not the cutest? Sheree's daughter in law did the glasses. There was also a cloverleaf cookie with 15 on it. If anyone has their's and wants to send me a picture I will post it. Mine didn't survive. I just sampled the sangria-yum!
We took a break for dinner and I think we all had very good meals and drinks.
After dinner we played another game. The Left/Right game. We all brought gifts to share. We started out with our gift in front of us. Then Rhonda read a quilt story. Every time Rhonda said left we passed our gift to our left and when she said right we passed out gift to the right. We did a pretty good job of getting our directions correct. At the end of the story, the gift in front of us was ours. All the gifts were quilting/sewing related.
For dessert we has special cupcakes with candles. We toasted our anniversary with these. You can see the cupcakes in the photo below.
Talking about pictures-we got some group pictures. We are a cute looking group of ladies, if I do say so myself!
There was one more special gift that Rhonda had made for us. She had the same Cloverleaf Quilt Club 15 year celebration theme put onto a square of muslin, in our own colors, for our anniversary mystery quilt. We were delighted with these.
For our Cloverleaf Anniversary Mystery Quilt, CAMQ, Rhonda emailed the next clue.
- 1 - 12 inch Shamrock block (file attached) It doesn’t have to be green.
- 3 - 6 inch blocks with block names using the first letter of your first name
- 3 - 6 inch blocks with block names using the first letter of your last name
At the party she gave us directions for another Shamrock quilt block. We can use either one. I am not sure about the time frame for getting these finished.
We will be meeting next month right after Thanksgiving. That will be our last meeting until 2019!
Here are some virtual show and tells.
These are Patty's 18 inch blocks and the start of her string block borders. This is going to be beautiful!
If anyone else wants to add pictures to our virtual show and tell send them to me.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!